Oil Paintings of Jim Caron

Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron Jim Caron
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Jim Caron painting Mystic Math"Mystic Math" Oil on Canvas-30" x 24"

PAINTINGS BY JIM CARON - People have always responded to my work, especially after they have owned and lived with a piece. They feel fulfilled and rewarded each day by it's presence and are proud to be the custodian for a work of fine art. A legacy for themselves to be preserved for centuries.

The spiritual nature of my oil paintings translates across all boundries. Vewers respond without provocation to the mystic quality and movement within these paintings. No photograph or web page can truly show the nature and depth of this work. Jim Caron painting Coffee Bean Dream"Coffee Bean Dream" Oil on Canvas- 48" x 24 "

Jim Caron painting Paradise Path"Paradise Path" Oil on Canvas- 24" x 30"
Jim Caron painting Lost Doggie Dream"Lost Doggie Dream " Oil on Canvas- 30 " x 24 "

"The Messenger" Oil on Canvas- 48" x 24 " Jim Caron painting The Messenger


Jim Caron painting Civilizatin as a bad idea
"Civiliaztion As A Bad Idea" Oil on Canvas- 48" x 36"

Jim Caron painting God's forumla for Madonna And Child"God's Formula for Madonna and Child" Oil- 48" x 36"
Jim Caron The Pain of Responsibility
"The Pain of Responsibility" Oil on Canvas- 48" x 36"
©2024 Jim Caron
�2021 Jim Caron